If I met a great man…
I’d meet President George W. Bush.
I’d start off asking about his wife and kids;
His aspirations of becoming a grandpa;
His hopes for retirement.
I’d enquire about adversities overcome;
What “makes his day begin”;
His greatest fears.
I’d want to know who irons his shirts;
Does he lose socks in the dryer;
Has he sometimes kicked the dog;
Does he ever cry?
In all:
What makes him tick and why?
And yes, I’d finally get around to it:
I’d ask about the war.
Not the statistics, the politics, the gore.
Rather impact on the kids: his for starters;
America’s next;
And victims of the bombs.
About violence modelled;
About violence flaunted;
About violence vaunted.
About another way;
About going “home”;
About a gentler America;
About a kinder world;
About his heart.
If I met a great man…