Canadian Prime Minister Harper in support of the war on crime and the war on terror is an ignorant fool and a murderous United States Empire Loyalist.
Some years ago law-and-order MP and Justice Critic Jack Ramsay of the fledgling Reform Party, Harper’s former party too, a one-time RCMP inspector and later convicted criminal for indecent assault, argued with me vehemently for more American-style harsh punitive justice and the return of the death penalty. I told him of an organization in the U.S., Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation, whose membership was restricted to those who had lost loved ones to murder. They mounted an annual two-week march in a state that regularly carried out the death penalty. Their message was: “Don’t kill for me!”
He responded, “Then they shouldn’t eat chicken!”, and told me about his brother who loved chicken, but hated the dirty work of killing, gutting, and plucking same. I responded: “What you are saying is, unless we’re prepared to mercilessly slaughter our enemies - criminals on the home front, terrorists internationally - then we have no right to be beneficiaries of the (North) American/Western way of life?” “Precisely”, he said. (Something George Orwell also claimed in his scathing contempt for “pacifists”.)
I pursued, “So, the fact that Allied bombers in World War II murdered and maimed about two million civilians - one third the total number of Jewish Holocaust victims - in over 100 cities in Germany and Japan through massive ‘carpet bombing’ was, well, just what ‘had to be done’?” I could have added: This included indiscriminate aerial death sentences carried out across Germany in 44 cities against young and old. There were multiplied tens of thousands of refugee and civilian victims in Dresden, February 1945, alone. Further, U.S. bombers methodically wasted 80 Japanese cities. In Tokyo, March 1945, 100,000 civilians were “scorched and boiled and baked to death” according to the chortling commander, U.S. General Curtis LeMay. Another 120,000 civilians instantaneously were incinerated in two atomic bomb holocausts unprecedented in all human history. “Yes”, he said without hesitation, “that’s what had to be done, so that your kids and mine could be raised in peace.” I, a fellow evangelical Christian, told him he was sick, utterly at odds with Jesus, and I walked away in revulsion.
On May 6, 1996, on the news program 60 Minutes, there was this exchange between then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and the interviewer:
- Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”
- Madeleine Albright: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.”
Albright’s family had been decimated during the Nazi Holocaust.
In the 1986 movie, The Mission, the rapacious slave-trader Don Cabeza, in response to a comment by His Eminence Altamirano, “And you have the effrontery to tell me that this slaughter [of hundreds of indigenous people and their priests] was necessary?”, responds, “...I would have to say, yes. In truth, yes.”
In a novel I have written, in a moment of stomach-wrenching insight, the protagonist’s agony is described thus:
His horror turned to terror that his entire life he had worshipped God and had been formed in all his core beliefs in company with such sycophants of mass murder and mayhem. As if he had been born into a Mafia family, where killing and slaughter were simply routine, justified as what was needed to “get the job done”, to enable “normal” life to go on. “Just War” theory as Christians had always enunciated it, Andy suddenly understood, was equally the prerogative of the Mob and every vile tyrant known to humanity. No doubt Christians were more sophisticated than what a Mafia family godfather or dictator might articulate, but in the end, it all boiled down to exactly the same thing: terror and slaughter. People destroyed, the earth raped and pillaged, all for a “just” cause. How could he have been so duped, and not have seen the true face of Christendom, of Evangelicalism, viciously “red in tooth and claw”?
Mr. Harper is an ignorant fool because, as U.N. Special Envoy Stephen Lewis asserted May 1, 2006, the U.S. war on crime against drugs has been an abject failure. It has on the contrary spawned massive criminal networks and profits. Harper is a murderous U.S. Empire Loyalist because the U.S. is the ultimate terrorist organization in the world whose godfather George Bush commits routine murder and mayhem around the globe with impunity, and sycophant Western nation/cheer leaders including Canada’s look the other way - worse, applaud him!
Most Westerners and their political leaders such as Harper, Blair and Bush insist on eating chicken - and their pound of flesh. Their hypocrisy and the West’s concomitant crimes against humanity are today’s ultimate holocaust.