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October 13, 2006


Wayne Northey

Bob, I should not let the occasion pass to point out then the really BIG MURDERERS today, mass killers, U.S. Empire leaders, their international supporters (political leaders in Canada, England, Israel, their militaries, etc.) fit the profile of "violent men/women" you describe, and also need therefore to be embraced.

They also need to be told: "Go now and leave your life of sin." (John 8:11)

Wayne Northey.

Wayne Northey

Wonderful stuff, Bob!

Thanks so much. Care to join us for our 40th Anniversary M2/W2 Association - Restorative Christian Ministries Celebrations at the end of October? Please contact (604)859-3215 or 1(800)298-1777 (toll free in Canada) for more information. The events planned promised to be joyous and in the direction you talk about. Wayne Northey.

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