Flatlanders Inn is a transitional housing community for people at risk of homelessness. We hope to attract and invite the wanderer, the seeker, the stranger, the foreigner and those who need a positive environment, into a life giving intentional community. We will seek to create an atmosphere that provides a safe and supportive living space for shelter, laughter, healing, capacity building and spiritual growth.
Flatlanders Inn:
Where Each Person Matters
● Everyone has gifts. Each person, community and culture, has strengths and ways of seeing the world that we all need. Flatlanders is a place where each person will be encouraged to find out what they have to offer. We don't want to foster dependence, rather, we want to create a place where each can give and receive in appropriate measure.
A Positive Environment
● Before any inward work can begin, outward safety must be established. A positive holistic environment that encompasses physical, emotional, spiritual, social and cultural healing, is the best way to influence people towards lasting growth and real change.
An Intentional Community
● In many ways purposefully living together for intense but short periods of time is like a crucible. Intentional community is the container that holds a group of people together while highlighting both the healthy and unhealthy parts of us. In this environment we can see what needs to change in ourselves, as can the people around us! This process can be transformative.
It For?
There are 4 types of people involved. 1) Short-termers, 2) Interns, 3) Core Team, and 4) the Church Community. The whole Winnipeg Centre Vineyard church community will be involved in various supportive volunteer activities. The Core Team are the long-term (over 1 year) management for Flatlanders Inn and are assisted by Interns (6 – 12 months). The Short-termers are who it is all for.
Short -Termers:
● The wanderer, the undervalued, the marginalized, the “at risk of homelessness”, etc. can access and be part of Flatlanders Inn. Here they can find a clean, safe, warm place of belonging, while building a supportive social network that will continue with them as they move on. This group could include travelers, seekers, young singles who don’t have a place to live, in transit refugees, and others who need a stable environment for a specified period of time.
Interns & Core Team:
● People who are committed to mentorship, personal growth and intentional community. This means sharing their lives, offering their strengths, and simply being together for the growth, anchoring and direction of the whole Flatlanders Inn community. It is for people who want a place to live out authentic Christian community without being “pushy” about their faith. A place to serve, learn and make a lasting difference.
Church Community:
● The wider Winnipeg Centre Vineyard church community. Many avenues for getting involved are available. From offering skills (cooking, counseling, prayer, anger management, financial planning, etc.) to simply being a positive presence to supporting and encouraging the core team and interns.
Why? To What End?
Flatlanders Inn is a community where:
Short-Termers can:
● Access a safe and secure living space.
● Get support, encouragement and motivation in their individual struggles.
● Grow in life-skills, financial planning, anger management, addiction recovery, etc.
● Be encouraged on their own spiritual journey.
● Find and develop their own gifts and sense of value and self worth.
● Become part of a wider support network for ongoing support as they graduate to independent housing.
Interns can:
● Interact with short-termers.
● Develop their personal, social and spiritual skills (leadership, hospitality, prayer, etc).
● Learn about community dynamics, poverty and themselves.
The Core Team can:
● Mentor interns and short-termers.
● Exercise their gifts (leadership, hospitality, conflict management, etc).
● Be effective in life and ministry.
The Church Community can:
● Be involved in an effective relationally based program.
● Volunteer / service opportunity.
● Offer their skills, gifts and talents for the good of the community.
● 5 – 7 people (at any given time)
Example: 20 – 28 people per year at an average stay of 3 months.
● Semi-private dorm situation.
● Short term commitment (one day to 6 months).
● Classified as “at risk of homelessness”.
● 2 – 4 people
● Semi-private dorm situation or off site (dependent upon bed availability and situation).
● Short term commitments (6 – 12 months).
● Classified as “management in training”.
● Responsible for implementing the structure and rhythm of community life. Eating, working, studying, learning, praying, resting and worshiping.
Core Team:
● 4 - 5 people
● The on site core team members have own private space. There will also be off site core team members.
● Long term commitment (more than one year).
● Classified as “management”.
● Responsible for maintaining the vision and the culture of the community and assisting interns in implementing structure.
● Off site human resources include:
Counseling, addiction recovery groups, financial planning, conflict resolution, anger management, spiritual guidance, healthy parties, service opportunities, etc.
Why “Flatlanders”?
There are many barriers to holistic and healthy living in our society. Unstable home environments, little positive relational support, unhealthy ways of having fun, addiction, oppression and abuse to name just a few, can all play a role in creating barriers to people reaching their full potential. We want to create a level playing field; a place where everybody, regardless of social or economic background can be nurtured and belong. This “flatland” is a place where these and other barriers are removed. Truly, “let every valley be lifted up and every mountain be made low!”
for God's arrival! Make the road
straight and smooth, a highway fit for our God.
Fill in the valleys, level off the hills and the mountains, Smooth out the
ruts, clear out the rocks. Then God's
bright glory will shine and everyone will see it. Yes. Just as God has said." ~Isaiah
Not an Edwin Abbott reference, then?
Posted by: Mel | September 23, 2008 at 06:59 PM
This is very useful for me , some peoples are suffering from the mind torcher , they can be relived by taking drugs.
John bosco
Comprehensive resources for those looking for recovery from addiction.
Posted by: john bosco | May 30, 2008 at 09:35 PM
I work at a drop in counselling program on Broadway.Could you please advise us how we could suggest your Inn to people who may be at risk for homelessness? Can they phone or do you have specific open times to just drop in? Thank you very much
Posted by: Gwen Crawley | June 08, 2007 at 11:52 AM
I work at a drop in counselling program on Broadway.Could you please advise us how we could suggest your Inn to people who may be at risk for homelessness? Can they phone or do you have specific open times to just drop in? Thank you very much
Posted by: Gwen Crawley | June 08, 2007 at 11:52 AM