The Real Terror Network has
brought forth the understanding of issues in terrorism and human rights in
specific to the post World War II era. Herman, formerly a professor of finance and co-author with Noam Chomsky,
covers a broad spectrum of terrorist issues ranging from propaganda to
injustices. He educates the reader by
giving an understanding of the National Security States in mainly a Latin
American context and where the United States is heavily interested. Herman brings to light that since World War II,
the growth of terrorism by states has increased enormously and that terrorism
carried out by individuals – without association to states – has
decreased. In addition, what is brought
to surface is that terrorism is needed to carry out National Security State
Herman opens the door for the reader by ensuring that the definition of terrorism is looked at first and notes that it has not been codified even though organizations such as the Central Intelligence Agency are obliged to define terrorism for their purposes. Walter Lacquer is cited as mentioning terrorism as having a wider meaning than what is understood; at the time of publication. It is also brought to surface that state terrorism has always been with us and is historically attributed to the French revolution. Herman purports that terrorism is carried out by states, in particular to Latin America. The understanding of totalitarianism fits the National Security State model better than perceived enemy states and the acceptance of violation of human rights is inevitable of such countries. Herman brings to light that many professionals in South America have fled and that the poorer citizens have learned to cope with the social and cultural taboos that have been developed by having autocratic and authoritarian governments by proxy. Within this context he covers a political variable that is known to many socialist countries as the trade union, and uses the term Communism and reformed Kommunism; and arguing that the latter is a better option for Latin American countries. Unfortunately Red Scare tactics have been utilized to ensure that governments will respond to American interests by suppressing union activities via the media; even against pro-capital individuals who are seen as weak. These Red Scare tactics have utilized terrorist methods for state control.
In chapter two, Herman highlights the National Security State’s desire to have a
new Red Scare. This was brought on
because businesses and democracy were working well together, in addition to businesses
helping the poor. One of the fears in
the Third World was the Soviets were able to give aid as it supports its
socialist objective, though was perceived as spreading communism rather than providing
genuine aid. Retail terrorism, noted as
a western sponsored initiative, occurred more during this time as exampled by the
Cuban refugees that carried out terrorism against Cuba
Herman notes that terrorism has been a part of National Security State policy and is a product of United States
Herman brings to light the sins of nations by virtue of
its involvement in political affairs including the persecution and victimization
of innocent civilians. He stresses that
self determination has been robbed from these countries due to such
intervention. The barring of trade
unions and bargaining powers of the citizens expresses the power National
Security States carry forth; which he suggests is totalitarian. Herman highlights these points and his
concern is that the United States perpetrates terrorism at the price of
the weak, and to gain favour with businesses and the political elite. The Real Terror Network explains a left of
center view which has many facts and variables to consider for policy and
decision makers – in particular the human rights concerns which should not be
ignored - but should be balanced with other issues such as culture and faith to
be considered relevant for present day terrorism concerns.