When in a lowly state, a state of craving, melancholy and internal disappointment, there is a thing to do other than indulge.
Follow Moses up the mountain.
And in the first steps you will remember that Christ is the new Moses and the new mountain is not Sinai and the new law is the law of transfiguration, and the new stone tablets are the chambers of the heart. And this time, again, the Father speaks the law aloud and this time he speaks of the new Moses saying, “This is my Son, with him I am well pleased.”
When in a lowly state, a state of craving, melancholy and internal disappointment, there is a thing to do other than indulge.
Follow Moses up the mountain.
And in the first steps you will remember that Christ is the new Moses and the new mountain is not Sinai and the new law is the law of transfiguration, and the new stone tablets are the chambers of the heart. And this time, again, the Father speaks the law aloud and this time he speaks of the new Moses saying, “This is my Son, with him I am well pleased.”