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August 28, 2007


Amy B

Wow! What an awesome man. Give him a hug from me and tell him I, too, have learned from him, just from this little article. So his influence has spread down to Alabama, USA!!
Blessings, Amy

Kimberley Olsen

Happy Birthday to your Dad!! I want to personally thank the Jersak family for all that they did for our community and family. I had the privilege of growing up with them, and they were all a very positive, Christian role models, and still are to this day. I will never forget the gesture of giving their own family dog to our family, when my Dad was dying of cancer. To a six year old girl, this was truly unforgettable, and a gesture I will never forget!! Thank-you and God Bless you all!

C and H Denney

Really enjoyed this tribute as I do your writing in general. I look forward to meeting your Dad one day. May your sons and daughters recognize and appreciate their godly heritage in like manner.

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