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October 06, 2007


Eric H Janzen

Absolutely awesome. I am so thankful that you shared this. What a testimony not only to the power of the kingdom, but also to the love of Jesus for those who are broken and on the outer rim of the 'system'. There is the brief statement that Paul makes in 1Cor 4:20 that has stuck with me for several years now, where he says,
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."
He is responding to the presence of false teachers in Corinth in the context of the passage, but these words are so poignant. Our words, though true, are meant to walk hand in hand with the genuine/authentic power of Jesus. It is so encouraging to hear of what I know I long to see more of happening in a place where it is needed so much.

May God increase what he is doing in your midst.

Eric H Janzen

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