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April 21, 2008





I spoke with a lovely lady the other day who had just been taught the difference between a peacekeeper and a peacemaker. A peacekeeper, she said, is someone who tries to keep that peace at all costs (she referenced Chamberlain). A peacemaker, on the other hand, is one who understands that sometimes you must make war to bring about peace (referencing Churchill).

I thought of these quotes (compiled by Wayne Northey). And I remembered that the book of James gives us the true definition of an authentic peacemaker: "Those who SOW in peace reap a harvest of righteousness/justice." Jesus was so clear on this: You reap what you sow. One should not expect to grow peace-fruit on a war-tree. It doesn't work that way ... and I would say historical evidence notwithstanding, except that history DOES confirm Christ's assertion. I wish the church were more apt to do that as well.


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