there is a table set for you and an invitation to come to that table. A
seat has been prepared for you and upon it is written your name. What I
have for you is abundant life; the Life of my Son; the Life of my Spirit.
I want you, beloved, to stop giving your loyalty away so easily. I have been calling you, asking for your whole heart, your whole mind, your whole soul and spirit.
I have been inviting you to be full citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and asking for your loyalty to be to me and me alone. Return to me with your whole being and your entire life. I want every part of you and I want you to know that I welcome every part of you. You need to know that you cannot serve two kingdoms.
Beloved, you cannot come to the table and remain without my Spirit. A time is coming and is now come when I am calling my Spirit to rise up in you: let it. This Way, the Gospel, is not meant to be lived without the presence of my Spirit living within you, empowering you and transforming you. I am inviting you to open your hearts to my heart, to open your spirits to my Spirit. Allow me to fill you with my Glory so that you will reflect my glory to those around you. The Life of the Spirit is open to you, freely given: Receive it.