Oh, the covert dealings of the nations.
Who's side am I on?
Who's side am I on?
Oh, the injustice of war;
The suffering of the innocent;
And the growth of the poor and needy.
Who's side am I on?
Who's side am I on?
Where death and destruction flaunt their strength;
Where power and influence inflate their cause;
And where passionate cries are yelled from the hearts of both borders.
Who's side am I on?
Who's side am I on?
Let Me tell you of the of the widow, the orphan, the wounded man and defamed woman.
Let Me tell you of the hungry, the ill and the dying.
Let Me show you the face of the leper; the sea of tears I have caught;
and the temple full of wailing that I hold dear to My heart.
I am on their side.
I am on their side.
Within whatever border that may be;
That is where I am.