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June 08, 2008


Cheryl B.

Very helpful, what you have to say in this article though written over a year ago is timely for me. It both confirms and explains my experience of being ignored but hearing God's call to continue to speak. I have sensed God's hand in my humiliation and your article is confirmation. Blessings to you.

josh g.

This is good stuff, thanks Brad.

Speaking from a low-pressure, safe environment experience, I've actually found that learning to consider a prophetic word "God's" and not mine makes it easier to share in the first place. When the receiver of a word understands the process of receiving a word and bringing it to Jesus themselves to weigh and ponder, I can be free to pass along words which frankly I may not even fully understand. Then God is free to speak through words or symbolism which may be packed full of meaning for the receiver while I only catch a small part of the meaning. If I take ownership over a word, I'm more likely to try and paraphrase it down to only the bits I fully understand, which may actually reduce the full impact and meaning of the message. (Imagine if Ezekiel had only written down the parts of his visions he could fit into a nice clean theological box?)

Or, worst-case scenario, if I'm actually mishearing or mishandling what God is speaking, the responsibility is on the receiver to test and discover this and I don't attach the correctness of a prophetic word to my own pride or self-worth. In other words, when I let go of ownership over prophetic words, I no longer have to be perfect. (What a relief!)

Of course, this is speaking from a conflict-free time of training and where those receiving were also practicing the prophetic. I'm sure it gets messier, but hopefully this still encourages others to see the value in letting go of ownership over God's words.

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