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July 12, 2008


Wanda Vincent

There was a huge movement of prayer repentance and forgiveness that preceeded this historic event.(be encouraged you wonderful intercessors!) David Damien and others had prayed much and then repented to the First Nations, Inuit and Metis people on behalf of Canadians and Christians. As well Kenny Blacksmith and other Christian First Nations leaders as well as Metis and Inuit Christian leaders forgave and made a Covenant to continue to walk in forgiveness with Canada and specifically the Caucasion Church which has caused them so much pain, not just because of the Residential schools but also because of still not recognizing that they as people have much to give from their lives and culture . The church for the most part still thinks that everything Native is evil, and that if they want to be Christians then they in essence need to be white in talk, culture and music. We need to let them be who God has made them to be, and learn to see Jesus in their lives and much of their culture,we need to learn from them.How many of us have been to a church where the Pastor or guest speaker were of Native origin? Out of their pain they have made a huge step to embrace fully and walk with the very church that has hurt them so deeply, that alone shows we have much to learn from them! Praise God for what He is doing in this nation!

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