I thought I had a good awareness of the wickedness and evil that man can carry out against man. I was wrong.
I thought I had seen the lowest form of immorality and filth that another human being could stoop to. I was wrong.
I thought I had an understanding of the schemes of the devil – I had hoped that maybe even he had a limit to the depravity he could influence. I was wrong.
Since I have been working on behalf of the people of Burma I have read countless reports of human rights violations and brutal attacks carried out by the Burma Army – all of which have broken my heart and stirred me into action – but when I recently read the story of Nhkum Hkawn Din I was shocked to my very core, I felt as though I had been punched hard in the stomach.
I want to share Nhkum Hkawn Din's story with you. It will be hard to read, but it needs to be read.*
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