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October 20, 2008


Eric H Janzen

ahhhh like a breath of fresh air.

It is a serious problem in our era that the Church is not seen as a true spiritual entity holding forth spiritual understanding of reality and its Creator. The Church is understood to be just one of many institutions that happens to be religious in nature. Institution is a bad word in our time of history, for institutions cannot as a rule be trusted and thus the Church finds itself cast in the color of something it ought not to be. The Church should be a trusted embodiment of the spiritual truths of Jesus and the minister of the Love and Light of God in the darkness of a world bent on destroying itself. To those out there in Churchland who are being the voice and hands of Jesus I say bless you. To those who are not I say bless you to get out of the institution and back to a spiritual faith following Jesus, for this is true religion.

eric h janzen

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