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November 20, 2008


Cheryl Berto

Well written. I would like to see the same article written for the non-university educated because the message is such an important one.
My less sophisticated rendering of some of these ideas is: to "improve" our lives making them more enjoyable, safer, or fuller, while disadvantaging those around us (our family or community), is to build an illusion. When we disadvantage others for our advantage, we make our world less safe and are in reality, impoverishing ourselves. This is why Jesus told us that what you do to the least you do to me.

gospel messenger

May Your WILL be done on earth (in our hearts) as it is in heaven. May Your Kingdom come there, in Heaven (in reality) whenever, even where your name is hallowed.

fi calder

Thank you Archbishop.
This was so good to read.
I pray for myself as much as I pray for others in our society; for the unhealthy strongholds of our thinking to be demolished, so that we can embrace Truth more fully. In so many ways we have been indoctrinated from the cradle.
Thank God, He will not fit in any box!
Give us courageous hearts Lord, to step outside of the boxes of our religion and our culture and our history, to join You in exploring the 'spacious place' out there where you wait so patiently for us.
May Your Kingdom come on earth (in our hearts) as it is in heaven.

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