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November 18, 2008



Dear Nicholas,

In terms of help, I would begin with beckoning you to the Scriptures themselves where we initially get our notion of hell ... and then IF we believe them to be true, take to heart just as seriously those texts where mercy triumphs over judgment, where all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved, and for whom the promise of eternal life is offered to all who believe.

This is not to negate or dismiss your experience and the weight of your perceptions. I know the feeling. But I am suggesting you put the intensity of those feelings into their broader context.

Practically speaking, since you are truly asking for help, I would recommend pursuing both spiritual and medical avenues (as I have). Your desperation warrants a face-to-face with both a spiritual director in your locale and your family doctor.

Remember the words of John the Revelator, who described the New Jerusalem as the city whose "gates are always open" and where the Spirit and the Bride perpetually say, "Come, all who thirst, come drink the water of life." That applies to you.


Nilcholas Celia

I'm terrified. On 9/13/07 I found myself in the midst of an ominous, foreboding and malevolent presence I call "The Hellspace" I believe that I have passed through a portal and now find myself in (an aspect of) hell. I have sensations and perceptions that are so difficult to put into words, disconnected from all who are around me in some eerie, bizarre, peculiar way. I truely believe that I am expereiencing a precurser to hell: that when I die I will suffer eternal toremnt. It's as if the time for redemption has passed. All day long I suffer dread, hopelessness and fear and though I pray to Jesus Christ it's as if my words fall on deaf ears. I BELIEVE THAT IT IS POSSIBLE THAT ONE CAN ENTER INTO A DETERMINED FATE BEFORE DEATH, PRAYING THAT MY WORST FEARS ARE NOT TRUE AND THAT SOME DAY I CAN ESCAPE THIS HORRIFIC EXPERIENCE. CAN ANYONE HELP ME?

gospel messenger

Are you planning to "be with Him" in Paradise? Even as the commandment of Jesus- even when that one thief also repented. He was COMMANDED, even beyond death, to still be WITH HIM also when arriving in that place of the Kingdom heavenly called Paradise. It was from that moment onward the COMMAND came. Jesus forever assured us, the also repentent, even of a literal future "Paradise" WHERE His Kingdom would come and we also could be then "remembered" (if we obey His command in the surely to come: even our 'life, after life' after death).

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