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November 24, 2008



I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.




Thank you so much for your message. You have no idea how the timing of it brought me out of fear and anxiety of something that I am going to be going thru.

June Jenkins

Dearest Fi, I thank God that you spend time with Him and that you are open to His leadings, this is a splended way of hearing and recieving from the King. I pray that this article will lead many into his presence with a fresh understanding of the Lamb, His purpose for and in us.

Thanks, and peace be with you,
much love June (Cardiff) xxx


Fi, how wonderful! I sat and "pictured" the Lamb. He came up and bit my nose. (Not awfully hard, but quite a nip, still...) And then put both front hooves on my chest and His little tail wagged so fast. I felt Him say, "I choose to play with YOU. I love you! I PREFER YOU." He reminded me of an excited puppy. But I let out no small amount of tears as I laughed. It's easy to believe the Lamb when He approaches you :) Reading this article was a splendid time spent with our Lord.

Peace with you,

Love "D"

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