Corrupt scales versus Justice
Filthy rags versus Perfection
Broken bloody gate
Who else would allow anyone to pass?
Preciously accurate scale,
Who else would absorb the cost, the weight?
We might call you broken
But you are brilliant, shining, shining and strong
Indestructible gate that broke Himself for you
Scale that was keenly, strongly and perfectly made,
that refused to measure against you.
Jesus is the indestructible gate, that desired to be broken to allow all men entry.
Jesus is the perfectly accurate scale that refused to keep a count against you.
... and you know how much He despises corrupt scales
Keep in mind, His scale is perfect love...
Living Scale that knows the absolute, true and perfect count.
Scale that counted the cost...
Scale that refused payment... to be evened out.
That equals forgiveness
and surrender
even though it contained all power
Only asks one thing:
Come through this way.