Both religion and science — modern physics in particular— operate in the realm of faith based on the evidence of things not seen. Ask a physicist how many particles of non-baryonic "dark matter" he has seen, weighed and measured. "None", he will have to answer. "Why, then, do you believe in it." The only answer he can give is, "on the evidence of things not seen." Higgs Boson is another construct accepted on the evidence of things not seen. Cosmic string theorists must give a similar answer with regard to cosmic strings (although they are not so certain that they do exist).
Quantum mechanics is not a final theory, but a transitional phase of physics. It has led us to understand that, from the perspective of human reason, strangeness and mystery are prevailing conditions of all existence. As we transition in modern physics, how much greater will the mystery become and how much more will the "strangeness" confound our reason?