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November 26, 2009


Wayne Northey

I just watched the documentary. One piece not mentioned in the review was Eva's meeting with a group of Palestinians on Palestinian territory who all told stories of horrific mistreatment by Israelis, comparing it to Nazi mistreatment during the Holocaust. Eva could not handle it; felt threatened and disappointed; and conjectured that perhaps forgiveness can only be offered after the abuse ceases.

The Gospels say Jesus asked the Father to forgive as the abuse was happening. One commentator suggests that Jesus in his human agony could not in fact in the moment forgive (as Eva suggests about the Palestinians), but called on the Father to do so. To have Christ's mind (Phil. 2), a neuropsychiatrist profoundly taken with "a very simple anthropological hypothesis: that a person's desire is always copied from the desire of somebody else ("The Genesis of Desire", Jean-Michel Ourghoulian, Michigan State University Press, 2010,p. 17).", that he labels "mimetic desire" based on the work of René Girard, writes:
"The birth of desire and of human psychology goes hand in hand with ignorance and misunderstanding of the mimetic mechanisms that give birth to them. Blinded by these mechanisms, Adam and Eve left reality behind in order to enter into illusion, and their offspring still continue, in the world we now live in, to be puppets of their illusions; in every moment and in every circumstance, 'they know not what they do,' as Christ cried out to his Father before dying on the cross (Luke 23:34)("The Genesis of Desire", p. 80)."

Perhaps the "mind of Christ" enables such insight in the moment of the abuse. If so, there is freedom.

Thanks to Peri Zhand for the tip-off about this amazing documentary.

Wayne Northey


we know how long a root of bitterness can reach.

how beautiful and strong is a root of forgiveness.


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