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March 30, 2010



Brad, a sincere thank you for the response. i welcome the conviction that comes with it.

to say that i struggle with people using scripture to, in effect, curse individuals, is an understatement.
but i confess the judgement and bitterness i experience in my heart over it is no better.

we all are in utter need of every thing that He offers.


Dear Jan,

I think you are on to something important. In the name of Christian propriety, sometimes I pretend no one is my enemy and my denial only serves to let contempt, resentment, fear, and hatred fester and leak out in subtle forms.

Sometimes I need to clarify that someone is my enemy (for myself) so that I can clarify exactly what Christ requires of me (love). My list is longer and broader than I had hoped to discover. It also corresponds to the length and breadth of my need for forgiveness in judging them and living in unforgiveness, pride, and bitterness.



you are right, it is remarkably depressing, and outrageous.

you make me wonder also ~ who is our enemy? what exactly is enemy criteria?
maybe the only reason we need to define that is so that we can be sure to love them as commanded.

in the end, did He not lay His life down for all?

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