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April 01, 2011


Rene Lafaut

I find it interesting that both Evangelicals (see Brad Jersak's Stricken By God?) and Catholics (Scott Hahn...EWTN Archives) are slowly coming to the realization that God was not venting his wrath on His only begotten son so that He could forgive us... to me that is not forgiveness. God can and does forgive, forgives freely, forgives lovingly without grudge, forgives compassionately, and does not need to punish in order to forgive. The son was and will always be precious to the Father (even on the cross)... there are many other more profound compassionate, insightful, and shrewd reasons on why Jesus came to die... and I think the key is found in Genesis where God had to do what Adam failed to do (become willing to die for his wife)... because God won't expect from us what he would not expect from Himself (He came and died for His wife: the Church to show His love for us)... thank you for mentioning a few... more reasons...

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