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June 06, 2011



Thanks Mr jersak, you have put a lot of thought and study into this. Keep on with your faithful mission.

Florian Berndt

Only read your book a few months ago. The best resource I've found so far to learn and teach how to hear Father's voice and behold the face of Jesus.

What I liked most of it is that you pick people up where they are and first confirm what the Holy Spirit is already doing in their lives, before they lauch out into deeper water.

I also liked that everything was well grounded on scripure, even more important, totally Christ-centered, and that it gave space to the various traditions in the Body of Christ.

The chapter on listening prayer and social justice alone was worth the price of the book and we are in the process to incoorperate these lessosns in our church right now. The breakthroughs are phenonemal.

Thank you for writing!

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