This is the first of several reflections Neaners had on the story of Mary and Martha in the gospel of Luke. From his context, he reads the familiar story not as the old tension between action vs. contemplation, busyness vs. prayer, but competition vs. unity at Jesus' feet.
May these prison letters bless you and continue to bring us together.
You know that story in the Bible where two girls are hiding Jesus (I think it’s Jesus), but one is cooking y cleaning while the other one is sitting down listening to him? Then the other one gets upset y tells Jesus something like to tell the other girl to help her or algo. I can’t find it in the Bible. I hope you know which one I’m talking about. But that to me is kinda what you say about not getting too busy making clear divisions between different ministries, getting them all divided, making more of the names than the mission. What do you think?
In that one story it reminds me of a lot of things. The one sister is trying so hard to impress Jesus or whoever by cooking y cleanin’. People try so hard to out-do one another. I wanna be like the other girl who sits there and is listening to Jesus, not caring about anything else but him and his clecha [training, teaching].
That’s how I wanna be. I don’t give a fuck if I’m wearing a Gang-Out Tshirt or a Tierra Nueva Tshirt or a GodSide Tshirt [different ministry projects who I’ve helped connect him with] or a blank white Tshirt. I’ll wear them all, it doesn’t matter. I’m gonna do what I gotta do to get other homies the real help they need and follow what Jesus is saying.
You feel me homie?
Ya! I like that :)
Posted by: Deb | April 23, 2012 at 07:26 PM