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June 08, 2012



Dear Bethany,

Thanks for this very frank and insightful review. I've seen the film as well and would only really echo your critique ... an adequate primer that misses some of the riches to be found in Weil.

I was glad for Haslett's willingness to hear what Simone would say to us, rather than merely describing her from a distance. There was a great line to the effect that 'I don't want to come away from Weil's writings unscathed.' Indeed, that will be impossible for any attentive reader.

I was most disappointed that Haslett was only able to see Weil finally cornering us into a philosophy of death, rather than seeing how Weil's cosmology of the Cross might empower a healthy political theology.

I would say if readers get a chance, sure, see the film. But far more importantly, they should take your advice and discover Weil for themselves.

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