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August 07, 2012


Gabriel Conroy

I know my comment is late in coming, but I enjoyed your analysis of Journey to the East, which I've read, probably, more than 20 times.

When I first read it, I adopted the interpretation you're arguing against, that Hesse was idealizing "the East" or "the Orient." As I was guilty at the time of idealizing (what I took to be) "the Orient," I didn't have much problem with that. But now that I've thought on the novella further--and now that a number of life developments have intervened--I now believe I was wrong in my original interpretation and mine is much closer to yours.

By the way, and changing the subject a bit, have you read Stephen Roney's interpretation of Hesse's Demian? (You should be able to find it by googling the author's name and "Demian.") I now believe he's probably correct in his interpretation (or at least I now mostly agree with it), but at the time I read it, it was a shocker.

کتاب سلوک به سوی صبح

A profound rendering of the struggle between faith and despair.

Ray Goulter

I bought and read many Herman Hesse books in paperback many years ago, then lost them all to floodwaters when the shed they were stored in was flooded. I loved his style and must try and find his books again.


Excellent synopsis and analysis.


Excellent. Now the story makes sense to me.

Jean Clink

Thanks for reminding us of Herman Hesse. I had looked at some of his books a year or so ago - having read them in my hippie days, 40 years ago, while I could still read.

Thank God my brain is somewhat restored. I am enjoying the clarion-journal and your and Brad Jersak's youtubes - what a feast!!

Dawn Collins

Thanks for the synopsis of "Journey to the East". I've been trying to use my memory banks to no avail and thought Hesse was the author; yet alas, had no title come forth. Was a group study book about 40 years ago. Will purchase very soon. Think I'll also buy "The Glass Beads".

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