At long last, the hard copy of my Brad Jersak's new translation of Simone Weil's 'Awaiting God' is now available for purchase at the following link:
On that page there is also a description. Why get the book?
1. Sylvie Weil (Simone's niece) has included a 13-page introductory essay entitled 'Simone Weil and the Rabbis: Compassion and Tsedekah.'
2. It's the best primer available for those who want to start reading Weil, in that it combines her famous 'Waiting for God' with her 'Letter to a Priest' in a single, freshly translated volume.
There are those who hold Simone Weil as high, almost, as the Holy Eucharist.
There are others who place Weil, almost, in Hades.
Then, there are those who sift wheat from chaff in the life and writings of
Simone Weil -- such is the judicious approach of Brad
Jersak's Simone Weil: Awaiting God. The Introduction by Sylvie Weil
(Simone's niece) adds a tender touch, also.
Ron Dart
Department of Political Studies/Philosophy/Religious Studies
University of the Fraser Valley
Abbotsford BC