Sermon - "Kingdom Repentance" - Brad Jersak - April 07, 2013
Grunewald's 'Crucifixion'
"The time has come," Jesus said.
"The kingdom of God has come near.
Repent and believe the Good News."
Mark 1:15
Sequence of Repenting: "He knows repentance is not what we do in order to earn forgiveness; it is what we do because we have been forgiven. It serves as an expression of gratitude rather than an effort to earn forgiveness. Thus the sequence of forgiveness and then repentance, rather then repentance and then forgiveness, is crucial for understanding the Gospel of grace."
- Brennan Manning, Abba's Child.
And Can It Be - Charles Wesley
verse 4
Long my imprisoned spirit lay,
fast bound in sin and nature's night;
thine eye diffused a quickening ray;
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
my chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed thee.
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed thee.