Editor's note: "Ascending toward Great Lent" consists of readings for the five Sundays preceding the Great Lent. Part 1 is reprinted here. To download all five click HERE: Download Ascending to GL
Part 1 Longing for salvation; desiring to know Christ
ZACCHEUS SUNDAY {Luke 19:1-10/1Tm.4:9-15}
"Behold, He has lifted up my head above my enemies who surround me, and I will enter into His tabernacle and offer sacrifices of joy" (Ps.28:6).
Zaccheus of Jericho was a sinful man. As a tax collector, he was able to cheat and swindle people, especially the poor, who did not have power to defend themselves.
Although he was surrounded at all times by demons who tempted him toward greed, cruelty and every passion, his heart was not completely hardened. Somewhere, deep inside him, a longing gnawed, unfulfilled.
What could this longing be? What was it that the soul of this sinful man hungered for that could not be fulfilled by all his wealth, possessions and authority?
Everyone in Israel had heard something about this new teacher, Jesus of Nazareth. Some said that He was a holy pro- phet, others, a great teacher and healer. Many people spoke of His gentleness and compassion, while others hated Him and spoke evil of Him.
When Zaccheus heard that Jesus was coming to Jericho, he longed to see Him and discover Who He was. Since Zaccheus was short in stature, the crowd which surrounded him prevented him from seeing Jesus. As a tax collector, the crowd around him despised him and considered him an ene- my, thus he was truly "surrounded by enemies."
As Jesus approached, the desire in Zaccheus grew stronger and stronger. Spotting a sycamore tree with a large limb, Zaccheus rushed to it and began to climb above the crowd of human enemies that surrounded him. This was as far as he could go. Little did he know that Jesus was about to do the rest for him.
When Jesus reached the place where Zaccheus was, He looked upon him and called the sinner to Himself. "Come, Zaccheus. I will abide with thee and heal thy soul." Zaccheus had lifted himself above the worldly crowd and sought out Jesus, now Jesus would heal him and lift him above his spiri- tual enemies __ the hoard of demons which also surrounded him. Soon, because Jesus Christ came to him and abode with him, Zaccheus would become a friend to those who hated him. Healed by the co-suffering love of Jesus Christ, Zaccheus would use his own newly found love to help heal the sorrow and want of those whom he had formerly hurt. The co-suffering love of Christ began to take root in the heart of the sinful man and transform him.
By lifting himself up above worldly things, Zaccheus had taken the first step along the path to the Heavenly Kingdom.
Let us, brothers and sister, on this day take our first step also. Putting aside the ideals and limitations of worldly things, let us lift ourselves above the crowd, desiring with all our hearts to see Jesus and fully know in our hearts who He is. As if climbing into the sycamore tree to see Him, let us begin our spiritual ascent toward Great Lent, taking into our heart the Apostle reading for today, "This is a saying worthy of trust: we have put our hope in the living God, Who is the saviour of all.... Be diligent in these matters...so that everyone may see your progress" (1Tm.4:9, 15).