We’re not gods, we’re fools. Reason won’t save for self-love
Has played the whore, with envy and lust, rage,
Deceit and strife. Like a damned quiver these passions
Rouse war inside. Like Jekyl and Hyde we end up
With two minds. That burns like hell. It’s beyond reason.
And what do we do when reason is strong but the will
Is weak? Or when you and I conclude contrary things
From the same set of facts? Whose logic should we trust then?
Age of Reason? What fraud. What jest. For logic itself
Won’t help us. If we think it will then we become
Irrational slaves. To our peril we ignore the conscience,
And deny other ways to know. So what should we do?
It’s wisdom we need, and the Eternal One who gives it.
Knowledge with faith and hope and love. Imagine.
Denys A. Scully
December, 2009