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June 09, 2014




It was lovely to hear from you and know you were Writer in Residence at the Haigh-Brown home from 2011-2012---such a sacred site for the creative and ecological juices to start their life giving nutrition. I’m almost tempted to apply for Writer in Residence---a few months at the Haigh-Brown home and soaking in the Strathcona ethos could inspire much in the soul I suspect. Do tell me more about your time spent as Writer in Residence at the Haig-Brown home? I recently posted my essay on Al Purdy, Roderick Haig-Brown and Cougar Hunter: A Memoir of Roderick Haig-Brown on Clarion----what think ye?

trevor herriot

Nicely done, Ron. I was Haig-Brown writer in rez in 2011-12 and met Charles and David and Bob while I was there. In our five months in the house we gained a deep appreciation for the moral courage, generosity, and love Ann and Rod brought to the place. We felt it as we walked through the grounds or sat reading or sharing a meal in Ann's kitchen. I hope you write that essay on Purdy and Haig-Brown.

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