Major events seem to come in threes. 2013 Brought us the death of several giants of the faith in Brennan Manning, Robert Capon, and Dallas Willard. For many, Manning and Capon were there introduction to grace and the furious love of God. Willard largely went unnoticed among many, and without the voicing of guys like Rob Bell and various others, his name would have been unknown by even more. Thank God this wasn’t so.
I remember the first time I read “The Divine Conspiracy”. I kept thinking “this book ought to be required reading for anyone who professes Christ”. In fact, it is one of the few books I recommend to nearly every person that asks me for a well rounded book about kingdom life. Imagine my surprise when I opened an (unordered) review copy to see the words “The Divine Conspiracy Continued” staring back at me. I immediately dove in.
Written with Gary Black Jr. over the final months of his life, Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy Continued is a bit different than the original. For those looking for a sequel, it is not. For those looking to go deeper, this is where you’ll want to go. Just like the first book ought to be required reading for believers, this new book ought to be required reading for anyone who wants to fill a leadership position - be it in the church or in the workforce. There is so much wisdom packed into the pages of this book, coming from the heart of a man who obviously thought out what it looks like to live the kingdom in our daily lives.
Want to know what the kingdom should look like in our daily humdrum? The Divine Conspiracy Continued is, at a minimum, the best place to start.