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August 28, 2014


Florian Berndt

I love this article - read it numerous times. It not only describes perfectly my own journey but also the thoughts that came with it. Just as the historical revelations of the other two Persons of the Trinity and their are still bringing new insights today, so the revelation of Father is still expanding and triggering new questions. The result is - I believe - going to be a fuller experience of the Trinity. For with the revelation of the Father came also a revelation of sonship and thus a turning o of the hearts of the sons to the father's - the early father's of the church and the questions they struggled with, that is. Scriptures just takes on such a bigger meaning when we consider the nature of its inspiration in this way. Actually I am blown away by its richness when seen through the lens of Christ as you described it in this article. Now I am also really looking forward to the new book!

Martin Little

This is a really important article. It reminded me of a really game-changing bible study I was part of recently - this is what I wrote in my journal afterwards:

'Read Psalm 80 with my worship leaders. First time reading through, I got them to think about who God is - God's character as revealed in the Psalmist's view of Israel. The group emphasised sovereignty, judgement and salvation. Then I got the group to read it with Jesus as their hermeneutical lens. It was amazing! Suddenly we saw God in a new light: Jesus is the God who stands in solidarity with the people of Israel - he is the 'vine' (someone pointed out!), he was mocked and rejected by his enemies. I asked: where is God in the passage now? God is not simply sovereign and distantly ruling, but immersed in sorrow, and drinking the tears of the people. It seems to me this is how to read the OT - upgrading their conception of God with the revelation of the cross.'

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