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November 22, 2014


Brad Jersak

Thank you Fr. Richard,

Any advice from Fr. John Behr is very helpful.
To these, Vladika Lazar Puhalo suggested adding:

1. Basil on the Holy Spirit (http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf208.vii.i.html)
2. Gregory of Nazianzus on the Holy Spirit (Ora. 34 - http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/310234.htm)
3. Irenaeus - Against Heresies (http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103.htm)

Fr. Richard Rene

I totally agree with Fr. Michael's list. In approaching the Fathers, I think it is best to take a personal approach, by which I mean, to consider each of the Fathers as a person writing in a context, to a particular audience, over a dynamic period of his life in which his thought developed. Each of the Fathers is a unique voice contemplating Christ out loud within the stream of our tradition. Some Fathers speak within the main stream (towards the centre) while others speak from the edges, and sometimes some Fathers speak of some aspects of the tradition "in the middle" while having an outlying teaching in other areas. At seminary, Fr. John Behr encouraged us to start with one of the Fathers--Chrysostom, for instance--and read as much of him as you can, to get sense of the whole man over the course of his life and teaching. Then move on to someone else.

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