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September 06, 2016


Mark Basil

What a great paper, and articulation of the epistemological requirements of discipleship: We must be changed (from the inside out I expect), to rightly understand the parables.

The author helpfully suggests we apply this framework to all of Jesus's not just his parables. How true! Then the scriptures truly become life-giving and applicable to me personally, and an icon of Jesus Himself.
I also thought that the same epistemological requirement is exactly why the search for the "historical Jesus" is so misguided: The early Church had to become the sort of community that could rightly discern Jesus is not just a man but God in the flesh. He did not reveal this directly (not even to his friend and cousin John the baptist), because it is not something that can *properly* be known except by change of heart in the 'interpreter'.
May God help me to perceive just what sort of god it is who became flesh, by the same epistemological framework.

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