Hugh Hewitt Questions Ben Carson If He Was Ruthless Enough to Kill Thousands of Innocent Kids in War
The audience booed when conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked evangelical neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson (likely now to be a cabinet member in the Trump administration), December 15, 2015, if he was ruthless enough to kill thousands of innocent kids in war. Think of it!: Hewitt was rubbing Carson’s nose in it as it were, given his Hippocratic Oath, which originally reads in part: “I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing… Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free“. And possibly given that he is a Christian. Carson’s affirmation below (full transcript) seems a tad non-pro-life.
Not to worry though! One thousand Evangelical leaders endorsed Donald Trump June 22, 2016, “a true believer” by his and their assertions, all avidly “pro-life” – except of course, one must understand a minor point, those who need slaughtering to protect America’s interests around the world. (Incidentally, no one of all the GOP contenders that night, Trump included, disagreed with Carson’s response to this question from Hewett): “So you are OK with the deaths of thousands of innocent children and civilians?” Carson responded: “You got it.” And again to underscore, “You got it.” Then later: “… the job of the president of the United States is to protect the people of this country and to do what is necessary in order to get it done.” This, by logical deduction, means massive murdering all over the globe. To be President of the United States is undeniably to become “murderer-in-chief” for the entire world.
Now I’m an evangelical. And Evangelicals are People of the Book. So wait a minute! Didn’t Jesus say something about one’s neighbour, one’s enemies? Something about “loving” them? “Ah”, say a huge majority of American Evangelicals (Canadian and all nationalities included for that matter), “there is an exception clause” to what Jesus taught and exemplified, what John says about God in chapter 3 verse 16, what Jesus seems in the Gospels to say about a kind of litmus test that goes something like: love of neighbour is only as real as its extreme case, love of enemies (Matthew 5:43 – 48 & Luke 6: 27 – 36); and love of enemies in light of the atonement, supremely shows us how to “live a life of love” as in Romans 5:6 – 11, Ephesians 5:1 & 2 – the “better way” of I Corinthians 13; and love of enemies therefore by Gospel logic is the supreme test for love of God. (Now that’s what my Book says! )