What a difference a week makes.
It already seems like forever ago that we lived in a world where Trump just couldn’t be elected president. Most of us (literally - a popular majority) just knew in our bones that when we cast our vote, this annoying potential catastrophe would be averted and all would be well. If Trump’s apocalypse were to ever come, it most certainly wouldn’t be now.
But it did come, and it came by way of the Electoral College doing what the Electoral College sometimes does - favoring the candidate chosen by the most delegates rather than the most individual citizens. While in my opinion this is all the more reason to abolish the Electoral College (and the delegate systems in the RNC and DNC primaries for that matter), that is neither here nor there. Trump won. And his apocalypse is upon us.
Apocalypse Now
I recently wrapped up writing my latest book, The Light is Winning, which will be released by Zondervan next summer. In it, I talk about one way of looking at the current phenomena of Christianity’s decline in the U.S. and the shift to a post-Christian cultural reality.
I propose that we view it as an apocalypse.
“Apocalypse” literally means revealing, unveiling, or disclosure.* The book of Revelation in the Bible - typically seen as source material for all things End Times - is even called “The Apocalypse of John” in some traditions, showing its synonymous meaning to revelation or revealing. And the book title is derived from the apostle John’s own words at the start of the letter: “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place...”
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