Wayne Northey: The highlighted article below is truly powerful and wise!
Likewise in relation to the article: I am not a “progressive”, because most “progressives” I read are not consistently pro-Life. They (not all) favour the use of abortion as birth control, elevating women’s right to choose to a fetish, thereby exhibiting a cavalier attitude towards Life, while in fact reflecting a culture of Death. They are the mirror opposite to the self-described “pro-Life” advocates, who (not all) support massive slaughter of the “born“, so long as they are America’s (or whatever nation’s they inhabit) enemies. Both camps are committed to ruthlessly destroy Life that “gets in the way." Both are profoundly narcissistic and hedonistic.
An excerpt:
I can tell by how often your heavy burden for the sanctity of life evaporates upon delivery.In so many cases this compassion really has a nine-month expiration date, as if life begins at conception but ends upon leaving the birth canal.The completion of that third trimester is actually the shelf life of your passionate regard for much of the living.
Because if that life you say you so treasure, one day converts to Islam, you label it dangerous, you see it as a threat, you applaud suggestions of its expulsion, you deny it open worship.
If that life eventually comes out as LGBTQ, you condemn its soul, harass it in your workplace and church, try to prevent its marriage, tell it where and when it can use a public bathroom.You bully it and drive it to suicide.