Truth is a river in which the water is constantly renewed. Every new discovery, every new level of understanding, every unfolding of knowledge adds new water, deepens the channel, and broadens the perspective as the old water flows away and new water flows in. The supreme foolishness is to think that we possess any absolute or final truth. Each epoch proves such an idea wanting. Ironically, "truth" consists primarily in searching for it and understanding that when you find it, it will change with the next step in unfolding knowledge. The knowledge and understanding of reality proceeds in the same manner. We engage models of reality that to be truthful, must be replaced with new models of reality when the former ones are found to be only transitions from one level of knowledge to another. Those who think they have concrete and absolute truth or reality are truly deluded and frozen in a time that recedes into the past and becomes more and more disconnected, more and more episodes in cognitive dissonance, and those who hold such faded models and wilted truths generally only become more bitter and dogmatic the further they are left in the shadow of the past and the more their minds become irrelevant. Absolute truth exists only in the Heavenly Kingdom, and we frail and fallen humans know of that only in shadows and intimations. We cannot know it in fact until we experience it in the age to come.
(Vladika Lazar Puhalo, from "SAILING IN THE WINTER SUN: The Journal of an Old Man")
Fr. John Romanides said, "We know where grace is; we do not know where it is not."
Fine, we have a revelation, but also have some fairly lugubrious superstitions and fantasies. The notion that someone will "go to hell" for having been born in the wrong place and not having correct theology is particularly unattractive. We may have an obligation to preserve Orthodoxy of faith, but that in and of itself is no guarantee of our salvation. And preserving Orthodoxy in a triumphalist manner really does indicate that we may have correct theology, but are without the Gospel that it is based on, that we hold a faith which we have no understanding.
(Vladika Lazar Puhalo, personal correspondance, June 29, 2017)