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June 28, 2017


Bob Pushak

I really like your phrase, "how scripture can be read in a sacramental manner so that reader and community participate in the real presence that hovers, light and life giving, in the text." You probably know that the word "sacrament" is a Latin translation of the New Testaments word "mystery." Paul used the phrase, "the mystery of Christ" to refer to the glory of the Shekinah, the experience of entering into God's presence or what the Orthodox christian call the uncreated light. I've been thinking lately how this is related to the neurotransmitter oxytocin which plays a role in our experience of being immersed in God. I think there is a need to rediscover an embodied theological reading of scripture which recognizes how entering into God's presence transforms us at a neurological and likely an epigenetic level.
Your old friend


Great work

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