I have a memory from around when I was 4 or 5, It might have been a dream, a piece of media, or a powerful feeling I needed a name for, but I had this image of a child, lost far from home staying in a barn during a storm. Outside the barn is white with fog and raining and it’s sad, but it's safe and still for now.
You are a long way from home
Your clothes are dripping and the bags under your eyes sag heavy
The fog is all encompassing, filling your surroundings with white
You are all alone in a barn
You sit on the hay floor facing the threshold of rainfall only a foot away
The percussion of the tin roof allows you to stop thinking about your breathing for a moment
You refuse to sleep in your bed
You roll over into the nest of clothing scattered over the ground
Each piece carries a familiar scent and excites your skin with a new texture
You are overcome with homesickness
You don't know whether you should keep your eyes open or not
Dusk comes and goes before you have a chance to notice, preoccupying yourself with memories slipping into dreams
The inside of your eyelids are red from the light of day
You orient yourself with the sounds of wind in the grass, on your skin, and from your lungs
You open your eyes
i would like to read more of this....
Posted by: sarah turner | September 07, 2017 at 01:29 PM