Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there lived a large family of turkeys and many deer. The turkeys spent much of their time chasing one another, nipping into one another and making much noise with their gobbling. The deer often grazed quietly nearby, and the closer the turkeys came to the deer, the more they moved off to the shade and shelter of the cooler forest. There were moments when the turkeys chased one another into the forest and, at such times, the deer slipped round forest trees and found yet quieter places at the forest edge on higher ground.
The turkeys often hurt and harmed one another, each vying for attention and dominance, whereas the deer were content to graze together and enjoy the bounty of the canopy above and the light from both day star and the lantern of the night. The turkeys were rarely still or silent, always on the move, whereas the deer rarely made a noise and were often not seen for days at a time. When the turkeys came too close to the deer, they often bounded away to another silent space, heeding much, speaking little.
Ron Dart
Then the turkeys invented thermonuclear warheads...
Posted by: a | June 21, 2020 at 10:51 PM