WN: While I do not get off on his style of worship, or his seeming smugness about “knowing Jesus” (seen in some other YouTube videos of his performances), Keith Green’s song here is top of the charts for me! Forty plus years ago, we used to listen to this innumerable times throughout the year, but especially at Easter! I’m happy to “resurrect” it this Easter Season.
Speaking of resurrection: there is a person of my acquaintance who used to love this song, once at least by his account pulling over on the road to deal with overwhelming joy in response to its sheer power, an exuberance that touched him emotionally to the core. There came the day however, sadly long since, that it was all rejected, and his “Jesus” became so completely watered down that it is impossible to conjure up an understanding of why “Jesus” was viciously rejected and crucified — if one holds to his (un)belief. As to then rising again, Dead men simply do not rise, his “scientific” mind asserts dogmatically like the best (or worst) of any religious fundamentalist I have known.
At least as hard or more so to imagine, it is as impossible to understand why a whole rabble of Jesus followers joyfully joined the ranks of martyrdom in allegiance to that belief — then or since (a rather gargantuan throng of such in fact).