A young atheist woman on Twitter who is estranged from the Christian Faith of her childhood asks “What would you like to see Christianity become in the U.S.?”
This is my 288-character or less (Twitter-limited) response.
I would like to see Christianity as a beacon of the immeasurable and unchanging love of God for all persons and for the creation. To return to telling the story that God made every person in love and that God so identifies with humanity that God forever became human in Jesus.
And, yes, this incarnate Love also humbled himself, submitted to our terror and murder so that death might vanish from human nature like straw in fire, so that we might participate in the divine nature, so that we might live forever in the kingdom founded not on power as the world knows it but on the vulnerability that holds all things in life and in orbit, the energy of others-directed love and self-denial that ignites all stars in a hundred billion galaxies.