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September 18, 2018


Brad Jersak

Thanks for your comment Mike,

Sarah and I had a wonderful conversation about this very point. On the one hand, "Never give up" invites those in despair out of the belief that their life is over or that they should end it themselves. On the other hand, this is not accomplished by pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, as if those who are overwhelmed by discouragement could ever dig themselves out of the pit through self-will. Rather, ironically, we make the lateral move from despair to surrender. Surrendering our lives to the grace and care of a loving God is the means by which we don't give up! In that sense, giving up and surrendering are actually opposites--i.e. we overcome despair not by puffing up, but by kenosis.

Mike Richardson

I was struck by an alternative meaning to your slogan which would imply always give down. Without the condescension overtones how would you feel about that? Is that what becoming a servant looks like? Is it Kenotic as Brad would understand? You can find me on Facebook MikeRichardsonpoet for speed

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