After reading Eve, by Paul Young, I find myself trying to put into words a reality Father impressed upon my heart.
If there is no darkness or shifting of shadow and Father and I are face to face, I see no darkness at all. The only way I see a shadow is if I, in my own choosing, turn my back on the light that is still being emitted. The only way I see darkness is if something blocks the light.
As I pondered the thought, I realized this revelation is as true about my relationship with people as it is about my relationship with Father.
When people wrong me, wound me, frustrate me, irritate me (insert any negative emotion), in my heart, I turn away and in the turning, I'm no longer seeing that person through the light of the strength and beauty of our relationship OR through the light of Father's love and what He believes to be true about them.
It is there in that place the accuser of the brethren comes alongside with his whispers to cause doubt, mistrust and disconnection to grow in our heart toward the other person. And as we continue to turn our faces away from light, the lies of the evil one are strengthened and empowered with our agreement and judgment toward the other person.
However, when we choose to remain face to face despite discomfort, our eyes remain clear and our whole body is filled with light. In that place, we can see the truth of brokenness - ours and theirs - without expectation or demand of repayment for something they have no capacity to give us. Drawing strength from grace and vulnerability to see beyond the brokenness and character defects to the person’s True Self, created in God’s image and love as He loves.
I understand now why God has no illusions. There are no shadows to create them.
Felicia Murrell