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November 20, 2018


eric h janzen

Thank you for sharing the link to your article, Andrew. I enjoyed it very much. I admit that I have always been more naturally drawn to a spiritual life where spirituality and theology are intertwined or two parts of one whole. It is refreshing to read about far more intelligent and spiritual people who felt the same and lived their life in God this way. I particularly liked this quote from your article: "For Gregory, the nucleus of Christianity is ontological or existential rather than epistemic:65 “The Lord does not say it is blessed to know […] something about God, but to have God present within oneself.”66 Such emphasis on “onto-behavioral” Christianity resembles early Anabaptist emphases." My family comes from a long line of Anabaptists, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised to find this inner reality where my experience of God and my theology walk hand in hand. Thank you for sharing.


Andrew Klager

I'll also add that, in terms of the historical context, not only does the content of the Nicene Creed reveal the context -- viz., that the person of Christ (and his relation to the Father by extension) was specifically what was under scrutiny and required a dialectical theological refinement and clarification, but it also reveals that the life of Christ and its implications (nonviolence, care for the poor and vulnerable, submission to an alternative kingdom of God of meekness and peacemaking rather than to the kingdoms of this world and empire, etc.) was taken for granted so much that this didn't need to be clarified with a Creed. This is to say, its omission from the Creed reveals its ultimate importance because it was already so central that it didn't need to be clarified.

But for more on this question and a more academic response, my article here might help: https://uwaterloo.ca/grebel/publications/conrad-grebel-review/issues/fall-2008/st-gregory-nyssa-anabaptism-and-creeds

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