"Only near-sighted people can suppose that Christianity has seen its time. Christianity has only taken its first, I would say timid, steps in human history. To this day many of Christ’s words are incomprehensible because we are still moral and spiritual neanderthal men. The gospel arrow is aimed towards eternity, and that which we call Christian history is in many ways a series of clumsy and unsuccessful attempts to bring Christianity about."
— Father Alexander Men
I think this is true.
Humanity does not understand that humans are made in the image of a tri-personal God, so that being in communion, being in relationship, is the way everything is meant to flourish.
Humanity does not yet understand that this divine community is not the origin of evil or death but goodness and life.
Humanity does not yet understand that everyone is already related to this community because the one tri-personal God has made every human in their image.
Humanity does not yet understand that one of the persons of God became human, that the Son took on the *one human nature* all humans share, and so this person who is God become human, Jesus Christ, is now the brother of every man or women who ever has lived, is living, or ever will live.
Humanity does not yet understand that this means that God has already related Godself to every human as their creator, as the invisible image that each one bear, and as the human sibling of Jesus Christ.
This is true whether or not we are indifferent to this person who embodies this truth, hostile toward him, apathetic about him, skeptical about him, or welcoming him.
And I could quite literally go on and on and on.