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April 22, 2019


Howard Schultz

He was first dead once for everyone to be forgiven, reconciled. as in 2 Cor 5:16-20 tells us we are reconciled so be reconciled back to God in the done work of Son for us.
Turn from unbelief to belief of this done work for new life to be installed in us from Father.
yet unless one is willing to be dead, one does not see new life ahead in them installed on first day in belief from Father
As said in Eph. 1:13 sealed by Father in risen Son on the first day of belief, he is risen for new life to be given after first his one time death took away all sin.
John 19:30 Leaving, left only one choice to believe or not believe, each person consciously aware of the choice each one makes.
Then one begins new in being taught new as in Eph 1:6,7

Seeing we all are accepted, forgiven and sealed on the day anyone believes and sticks with it, not religiously necessarily, just in belief even through adversities will see as Job saw in the book of Job, who would not deny God. Even deeper with the Son, Jesus as the way the truth and new life who went willingly to death once for us all to get new life in his risen life by continued belief
no matter what!
Thank you for your article above, enlightening to me at least

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